Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Case for Sin

The modern sciences and the secular rationale for disease, paralysis, illness, missing limbs and death itself, all tie to a material explanation of man's condition. Secularist believe we are constituted by a material mass that is manipulated by chemical alterations. They do not recognize the distinction between body and soul. With chemicals, drugs, physical treatment, therapy, diet change or exercise, you may be healed, corrected or altered. Secularist do not associate sin nor spiritual elements with the physical, mental, or emotional condition of man.

It is interesting to compare the modern assessment to the words of Christ, the Red Letters. In speaking to a paralytic brought forward by his friends, Jesus said,
“Take heart, my son; your sins are forgiven.” He said this “that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins” - Matt 9:2,6 (ESV)
Jesus associated the healing of the paralytic with the forgiveness of sin. When sin is removed, paralysis is removed. When sin is removed, sickness is removed. When sin is removed, abuse and addiction are removed. When sin is removed, death is removed!

Think of it this way. Will any of the above afflictions exist in heaven? ... Sure, they still hang on in this world. Sin is still at work in this temporal world. Satan is still seeking to steal, kill and destroy. He is at war against your body and soul. But be not afraid of him, but rather they one that can destroy both body and soul for eternity, or establish you for eternity with Him and thereby free you from all the enemies of God.

Does sin cause illness? Does sin cause disease or paralysis? Does sin cause death? Yes! Are these consequences directly caused by the person afflicted? Not always; Sometimes yes; Sometimes no. Sometimes we are afflicted by our own actions. Sometimes we are afflicted by the actions of other humans. Sometimes we are caught up in the battle of eternity. One of my pet peeves is the phrase, "God took him home". I understand what you mean, but God did not cause the death. Sin causes death! Death is the consequence of a fallen world. Death entered this world because of sin and rebellion toward God. How can His spirit content with those that rebel against His every instruction?

Death, illness, disease and paralysis are evidence for the case of sin. And all of these shall be destroyed in the end. The last enemy to be destroyed is death. - 1 Cor 15:26 (ESV)

The big question is ...
"Will you escape this world having found and exemplified forgiveness?"

Thank God, the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins!

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