Thursday, May 29, 2008

Maximizing the Month of May

Dude. This May 2008 A.D. has just kept on giving. It's like the month that overtook its neighbors April and June both. I think I've put over ten-thousand miles on my "new to me" Chevy Impala. We've been to El Paso, Lubbock, Abilene, Rockdale and all over Austin. FYI it is six hundred miles from Hutto to El Paso - one way.

May is a month of graduations you know. Between family, former youth group students, and the homeschool community, Dede and I get an extra dose of blessings. We attended a wedding and a deacon ordination in April, before May even began. There was a revival meeting in Rockdale; three National Day of Prayer events, Police Chaplain training and a Discipleship Seminar. There were also the homeschool events of a blessing dinner, an athletic banquet, the formal dinner/dance and graduation. The actual dates are just a blur now, but the memories will last forever.

The blessing is seeing the smiling faces of teenagers, former and active duty. They're making their way in life, getting married, graduating, working hard and serving the Lord. Seeing the faithfulness and dedication is awesome. Seeing the smiles and hearing the stories first hand is most excellent.

A real highlight came for me tonight. Several years ago a young teenager asked permission to lead worship at our youth service on Saturday night, we called it TWiST (Teens Worshipping in Spirit & Truth). That small beginning is still growing and strengthening Christ' church. While TWiST is no more, Tyler Murphy and Kevin Gibbs are still serving whole heartedly. They continue pointing young people to Christ, the glory of God, and doing it very well.

Tonight they held a Release Party for their new CD, Speechless, which was really another great worship service; it was very clear that Christ is the King of Price Hill. You can check them out on myspace or facebook.

Glory to God! May isn't over yet!

The Accountable Man

You've heard the stories of the fallen preachers; Sex scandals, fraud and theft from the church coffers. Ministers, pastors, preachers and all men are subject to frustrations, arrogance, and all manner of temptations. These temptations are more easily engaged, when we walk alone.

Several years ago, I began praying for men to help me walk with God, to hold me accountable and to challenge my theology. In a few short years the Lord Provided. He landed me in Hutto, Texas. He introduced me to men named Crow, Leatherman and others. Then he brought along my father-in-law and man named Coker. Some are more crazy than the others, but each one is highly treasured in my heart and the Lord's.

Accountability is a necessity for Christians, including pastors! This is not a recommendation; it's a command! You need to share your successes, burdens, and temptations with other Christians. You need trustworthy believers in your life to help you see God's ways and God's provisions.

I am blessed. God has provided accountable Christian men for my life. What about you? Can you do it alone?

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Waiting Tables

Imagine this ...
"A mother-in-law perfectly illustrates the gospel."

I hope that gets your attention, because it is true. You can read it for yourself in Matthew 8:14-17 ( Peter's mother-in-law is sick in bed with a fever. Jesus touches her. The fever leaves her and she gets up to wait on Him! That's the gospel in a nut shell. We are sick. Jesus touches us. We are healed, and get up to serve Him!

My good friend (and ABG Director), Ronny Koehn, was ordained as a deacon of Southside Baptist Church ( in Abilene, Texas on April 20, 2008. Southside Pastor Kevin Ueckert challenged the new deacons to wait tables, to serve the poor and the widows, to be the hands and feet of Christ at Southside. Deacons are servants. It is an office and a title, but the basic meaning is servant. Waiting tables is the perfect illustration.

I was into Petroleum Products in my High School D.E.C.A. class. Food Service and waiting tables was out of the question. I've never worked in or owned a restaurant. I have certainly paid countless times to be waited on.

Now, I know the blessing of serving others. When you've been touched by Christ; healed by Jesus, the disease of pride is decreased, if not totally removed. Waiting tables is an honor.

Now go, and clean those dishes... Serve Ronny, serve!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Wow! This is the day...

Wow! Word's cannot express how blessed I am this day. Things have been hectic for Dede and I both, and that will continue through the weekend. But I tell you, this is the day the Lord has made. I have been inspired by so many events this week and especially today. There are revival meetings going on in Rockdale, the Texas State Prayer Breakfast on Wednesday, the National Day of Prayer in Hutto, and other good news that must wait.

You can read about the NDP events at

Honestly, I cried tears of joy late this evening as I prayed at Hutto Discovery UMC.

PS: You need to go visit their restored sanctuary. It is inspiring!