Thursday, January 31, 2008

Missing the Blessing

Is America missing the greatest blessing of all?

Is your life blessed? What about your marriage? What about your relationships with the opposite sex, parents, children, co-workers and neighbors?

It seems the greatest blessing of all is masked in our land. The weight of the world could be lifted from our shoulders, and yet we continue to walk under heavy loads. Our nation is burdened by its own expectations and the “pursuit of happiness”. Could it be that we got mixed up somewhere along the way? Could it be that our perception of reality is tainted by a harsh task master?

Just for a moment … suppose that you work for a harsh and devious boss. You have worked for this boss most of your life. You know nothing else, and certainly nothing better, and yet just down the road, right around the corner, there is a better job. Would your harsh boss tell you about it? Would he let you know there is better life around the corner?

Of course not! He would try to hide the other job from your sight. If you did find out about the better deal, the harsh boss would lie to you; he would attempt to deceive you into thinking the other job is not so “good” after all.

That’s the story of my life. I was working for the Great Deceiver for many years, before someone showed me the greatest blessing of all. Someone showed me that there was another way. Someone stepped in and revealed the lies the Great Deceiver had told me about the other Boss and His Good Book.

The Deceiver has told me the Good Book was bad. He told me the other boss didn’t care, and He was mean and oppressive. Oh, the lies. All the while I was missing out on the greatest blessing of all.

My friend, God’s ways are not a burden, they are blessing. When you engage the instruction manual of the Almighty, you will be blessed. You will Know the Blessing.

Brent Bullock, Minister
America Bless God Campaign of Texas

Thursday, January 24, 2008

The End of Marriage

The cultural trends point to the end of marriage as we once knew it. Marriage now binds only a minority of homes in the U.S. The "out-of-wedlock" birth rates continue to climb in the U.S. and abroad. In one since, the end, or doom, of marriage appears to be on the horizon. That's not the question, nor the intent of phrase.

In the Old English understanding, we would be speaking of the chief aim, "the end", the goal, or the purpose of marriage. Blogging today, Elizabeth Doherty Thomas, ask it this way, "What is marriage for, anyway?". She concludes, "So there you have it. Marriage (in my own view), is for deep personal gain, marriage is an ideal setting for children (for we all would aspire to be brought into this world loved by both our mother and father who also love each other and can model for us what a loving adult relationship can be), and marriage is for the broader community to separate the casual relationship with the committed relationship." Unity in purpose does strengthen marriages, when mere "love" will wax and wane, but there is yet a greater end to consider.

Marriage, it's physical intimacy will certainly bear fruit. The question is what type of fruit? What kind of offspring will shoot up for the union of man and woman. What degree of effort will be put forth by the bearers of children? The conception is only one aspect of the fruit? It is the rearing of children, the effort poured into the upbringing that will result in a rotten apple or not.

I read in the sacred letters, the story of God longing and desiring a godly people. A people and fruit likened to His image. Godly offspring. Godly offspring is what he desires. Look for yourself. The following reference may lead your heart to "the end of marriage". A unity and purpose that seeks to please the Lord.

- Instructions to Adam & Eve, Gen 1:28
- Instructions to Moses & Israel, Deut 6:1-9
- Abraham’s Appointment (just before the destruction of Sodom), Gen 18:19
- Israel’s Unfaithfulness, Malachi 2:13-15
- An Elder’s Example, Titus 1:5-9 (esp. v. 6)