Monday, November 24, 2008

Daniel Seeks God's Favor

The Old Testament Prophet Daniel is a unique character, and many of you are re-reading his prophecies in light of current events. Daniel was a man that interpreted dreams, because he knew how to seek the Lord. Daniel was a man that observed a desolate time in the history of Jerusalem, and he knew to turn to the Word of God, specifically, the prophecies of Jeremiah, to understand the times.

As Daniel reflected on the desolation of Jerusalem he recognized its origin. While you may love reading and studying the dreams and prophetical aspects of Daniel, don't miss the obvious. The most obvious point is directly connected to the prophetic aspects. The desolation of Jerusalem was rooted in the behavior of its citizens. The future of our nation is also rooted in the behavior of its people. During Daniel's reflect found in chapter nine, a prayer is recorded. This prayer is very insightful.
"Just as it is written in the Law of Moses, all this disaster has come upon us, yet we have not sought the favor of the Lord our God by turning from our sins and giving attention to your truth." - Blue Letter Bible. Daniel 9:13 - NIV

Read the entire chapter on-line at Blue Letter Bible.

Notice that Daniel says, "we have not sought the favor of the Lord". Think about that for a second. What does it mean to seek the favor of the Lord. Is that merely a petition? Is that simply asking, "Lord bless me and my household"? Sometimes, that is the way we approach it. Sometimes, we just want to ask for his favor, rather than putting effort into obtaining His favor.

Would Jerusalem been desolate in Daniels time, if the people had obeyed the Lord's commands? Would our nation economy being suffering so much, if they people on Wall Street and Main Street were walking the commands of God? Would today's American families be so torn apart and dysfunctional, if we obeyed his instructions for marriage and relationship?

My point is painfully obvious. If you desire the Lord's favor, walk in his ways. If you desire God's Blessing, trust in his instructions. If you seek to avoid disaster and desolation, follow in the paths of our Righteous God.

America Bless God

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