Thursday, March 12, 2009

I Will Be My Brother's Keeper

Clint Eastwood would say, "Go ahead, punk. Make my day". Badge or not, Dirty Harry carried a vigilante style of law enforcement. Abel's brother, Cain, carried a similar attitude. I know we all love to see the bad guy meet his maker. Unfortunately, our pursuit of justice often trumps discernment. Then we wind up cutting down the fruit of the vine. Allow me to explain.

In the Parable of the Sower in Matthew 13, we see the seeds fall on different types of soil. Some soils are more conducive to plant growth than others. Many times we look at the soil condition merely as the circumstance of life, of which we can do nothing about. We forget that we are the cultivators. We are the pest control company. We carry water. We watch for disease. We are our brother's keeper.

Following the Parable of the Sower is the Parable of the Weeds. This parable references wheat and weeds. The weed referenced is likely darnel (tares), which look very much like wheat when it is green. Suppose a young man accepts Christ at sixteen, and we find him drunk and carousing in a bar at the age of eighteen. Do we put the axe to the vine? He is still an immature plant. Should we cut him down or help him grow?

While certainly there does come a time to cut off a rebellious believer, we must be sure we allow time for maturity and correction. Most transformations do not occur over night. Green plants often look a lot like green weeds. It's not until they mature and achieve the ability to reproduce that we can discern which is a weed and which is a fruitful plant.

My Brother's Keeper - by Rich Mullins

My friends ain't the way I wish they were
They are just the way they are
And I will be my brother's keeper
Not the one who judges him

I won't despise him for his weakness
I won't regard him for his strength
I won't take away his freedom
I will help him learn to stand

And I will ~ I will be my brother's keeper

Thank God for Rich Mullins. Thank God for His compassion and mercy. Now, go and do likewise.

America Bless God (and your brother)

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