Thursday, September 11, 2008

The First Concern

What are you worried about? What concerns you most?

As we walk through this life our priorities, our first concern, changes with the seasons of life and with culture and technology. As a child your first concern maybe playtime. Teens maybe concerned primarily with the latest trend in clothes or electronic games/gadgets. Parents maybe concerned with paying for college.

Our first concern is manifest in a couple of ways. One, in the plagues of the mind ... what worries us, what are we thinking about? Two, in how we spend our time and money. Sometimes our first concern is not reflected in our actions and our priorities. And sometimes the first concern that plagues our mind, is not what we intellectually know it should be.

In the Sermon on the Mount Christ said, "... do not be anxious about your life ... But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." - Matt 6:25-33 (ESV)

As believers, our first concern should be His Kingdom and righteous. Reality says, we do not do this. So, let's have a venting session....

What is really the first concern that is standing in the way of you seeking first His Kingdom and Righteousness?

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