Have you heard the parable of the Good Juan Martinez? In Jesus' day it was a no name from Samaria. In your case, maybe it was was Sam Martin from Austin. In some future era, it could even be the Good Sam Martian, as your space ship crash lands on some distant planet. In my most recent episode it was a bad alternator and the good Juan Martinez, from Memphis, Texas.
When you turn on the blinker and the speedometer starts bouncing in rhythm, you might have a hint that something is wrong. The voltage gage is showing about 10 volts and fading quickly. The air conditioner is slowly dying, but our good 'ole suburban is still running fine. We cruise into town, looking for a parts store. I know there's one here somewhere, but I push it too far. As we turn around on the far edge of town, we've seen no parts store, and the suburban dies there in the median.
I start hoofing it back toward town just in time to catch Juan and his helper leaving the local trash dump. They stop and offer me a ride to the parts store, take the time to go by his house for booster cables, and help install the new alternator. All told, Juan and his helper spent well over 45 minutes working to get our suburban back on the rode to Austin. As I repeatedly thanked him, he just said you're welcome, and I've been there myself.
Some would say it's mere coincidence that Juan was leaving the dump just at my time of need. I say that's is God's perfect timing. In those first 30 minutes of the suburban sitting in the median with no help in sight, well over 150 vehicles passed by. Two others stopped to offer help, but our appointment was with Juan.
This morning as I come to work on a Sunday School lesson, there was another appointment that I was unaware of. This appointment was with a letter dated November 11, 1995. Honestly, I had forgot all about it, and certainly didn't know I still had a copy on my PC. It was a letter to Dr. D. James Kennedy. It was a letter marking a key benchmark in my life. A benchmark that Dr. Kennedy helped establish. It was a benchmark that I desperately needed reminding of.
You see I didn't know about these two appointments, but someone did; Someone that knows me better than I know myself; Someone that knows me better than mother, father, or wife; Someone that exists outside the boundaries of time; Someone that told the parable of the Good Samaritan.
Praise God! He comes to my rescue, just at my time of need!