Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Havin' Fun for No Money

Maybe you're familiar with the old Talking Heads song. It depicts a wonderful scene. The happy new couple is gathered around. They're watching with great attention and big smiles, proud smiles. It's awesome! The entertainment is free, "Havin' fun for no money".

I experienced it today. Well, almost. Ron and I actually paid a couple of dollars to eat a breakfast taco, but the entertainment was free. He was all the rage of a local Mexican Restaurant. He was maybe 10 months old, a very handsome young man. He was making eyes at the waitresses, while his big sister was helping to serve customers. They had everyone in the palm of their hands.

Little children. They're an awesome blessing, a true joy. The same is true of new believers; People that have just realized that Jesus paid their debt. They've just realized that they are free to be who God made them to be. They don't have to fit the world's mold after all. It's awesome! It's a joy and blessing.

But what if they fall away? What if they aren't well fed? What if no one is there to laugh and cry with them through the trails of life?

Are you prepared? Do you know how to take care of a new believer? Are you equipped to disciple a new believer?

Join me on May 10th for First Steps Discipleship Seminar. Visit http://www.disciplinganother.net/. Pastor Rick Ives will led the seminar and equip us for one-on-one discipleship.


Crowm said...

He's baaaaaaaaaack! Welcome back to the blogosphere. Where ya been?

J. Brent Bullock said...

Dude, that flat earth thing is true. I fell off.