Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Havin' Fun for No Money
I experienced it today. Well, almost. Ron and I actually paid a couple of dollars to eat a breakfast taco, but the entertainment was free. He was all the rage of a local Mexican Restaurant. He was maybe 10 months old, a very handsome young man. He was making eyes at the waitresses, while his big sister was helping to serve customers. They had everyone in the palm of their hands.
Little children. They're an awesome blessing, a true joy. The same is true of new believers; People that have just realized that Jesus paid their debt. They've just realized that they are free to be who God made them to be. They don't have to fit the world's mold after all. It's awesome! It's a joy and blessing.
But what if they fall away? What if they aren't well fed? What if no one is there to laugh and cry with them through the trails of life?
Are you prepared? Do you know how to take care of a new believer? Are you equipped to disciple a new believer?
Join me on May 10th for First Steps Discipleship Seminar. Visit http://www.disciplinganother.net/. Pastor Rick Ives will led the seminar and equip us for one-on-one discipleship.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Racial Reconciliation
Could it be that someone has followed the leading of the Spirit, admitted his faults, and then asked for forgiveness?
Could this be happening in Jena, Louisiana, home of the Jena Six, while Reverends Sharpton and Jackson are no where in sight?
It could be, and in fact it's true. I just spoke to a good friend who felt called to Jena this week, after hearing Dr. Richard Land speak about the revival on the radio. This revival is now in it's 8th week.
Friends, God can move mountains. God can move the mountains of racial conflict in this land. God can help us all find forgiveness. He can and does heal us. Listen to His voice. Listen to his call. Revival is needed. Revival has come to one town. Let repentance, mercy, salvation and forgiveness rain down on all of our land. Let Him Reign!
Read about the Jena Revival from the North American Mission Board.
God Save the U.S.A.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Secrets Laid Bare …
On the one hand it’s good to get things out in the open. On the other hand it’s good to keep shame hidden and buried away. On one hand you need someone to know what you’re going through. On the other you don’t want any one to know.
Secrets: secrets kept; secrets revealed. Secrets exposed; secrets held in confidence. Secrets bottled up; secrets blabbed from the roof tops.
Secrets are volatile. Secrets are sensitive. Some can be good. Some are bad. Some people you can trust with them; some you cannot. Some secrets are harmful when exposed. Some secrets need to be exposed. Some are best hidden forever. The possibilities are endless…
The blessing is this. While our secrets are laid bare by the Truth of God, they are also covered over by the blood of Christ Jesus. While our shame is revealed by the presence of Christ, it is forgiven and put to rest as we trust in him. He has taken away our sin and our shame, but that’s the reason he had to come.
It’s terrible that he had to die for our shameful secrets, but it’s a great blessing that he did.
The question is this? Are you trust worthy? Can you keep a secret? Are you a confidant? Do you handle you mouth correctly when it comes to talk of others’ secrets?
Revealing the works of God brings him glory. His mighty hand and out-stretched arm have lifted the shameful secrets of many hearts, and turned us away from destructive behaviors of the past. But when is it appropriate to reveal a secret or not?
The Scripture has much to say about secrets. Check out the following verses and
Know the Blessing…
Proverbs 11:11-13, 20:19: 25:9; 26:22-26
Matthew 6:4; 6:18
1 Corinthians 2:7; 4:1; 14:25
2 Corinthians 4:2
2 Peter 2:1
Jude 4