It was a week of so after the resurrection of the Jesus. Apparently Peter was feeling a bit perplexed about the situation, and he announces, “I’m going fishing”. Six of his buddies follow suit and they go out all night, and don’t catch a thing. (See John 21 for the full story.)
They meet daybreak with a flash back to three years prior. Seeing a man upon the shore, he calls out to them, “Friends, haven’t you any fish?” “No, we haven’t any.” “Cast your net on the right side of the boat.” They catch a large mess of fish, and then one of them recognizes him. It is Jesus. Peter jumps out of the boat and heads for the shore, and they all share breakfast at the lake with the Jesus.
Three years earlier, they encountered Jesus in a similar situation. Jesus tells Peter to put out into deep water for a catch. Again, Peter had been fishing all night, and had not caught a thing. But because the Master said so, he did it; and the result? Yes, a large mass of fish. Greater still, they left their boats and nets, and they followed Jesus. (See Luke 5 for the full story.)
For today’s cop; it would be like leaving the police car on the side of the road with the lights and sirens still running … gone to follow Jesus. For a soldier in the army, it’s like laying your weapons down on the battlefield and walking off. For the modern day accountant, leave the IRS forms lying on the desk … gone to follow Jesus.
The experience of Peter and the other disciples a week or so after the resurrection of Jesus was a not so subtle reminder. It’s a reminder that you and I need also. The disciples had gone back to their old profession. They went back to fishing for fish, when Jesus taught them to be fishers of men.
Most fishermen know that that you can get good results in the dark. The fish are drawn to the light. The disciples’ light was maybe a bit dim at this point. Maybe they were wandering a bit about what to do. Then Jesus’ reminder and challenge came to Peter…
Do you love me? … Feed my lambs.
Do you love me? … Take care of my sheep.
Do you love me? … Feed my sheep.
Have you forgotten the call? Do you remember what Christ called us to do?
Easter Sunday is over, but the call is still there. Let’s us put down our worldly priorities. Set aside your worldly ambitions and worries. It’s time to go fishing in the dark. Not for fish using large nets, but fishing for men, using the light of the Risen Savior.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
One Part Purity
The recipe is an ancient one. It has been handed down from generation to generation. It's been recited over and over again, but it's hard to follow. The ingredients are simple and the instructions are not hard to understand... they are hard to follow.
It calls for two parts purity. One part is not enough. To reap the blessing of the age old formula, you really need two parts purity. One part may leave you heart broken at best, sick or dying at worst.
Many young women try to maintain their purity, waiting for the right guy. But if "the right guy" is not pure, then maybe is wasn't the right guy after all. Purity plus impurity usually results in more impurity...
On March 11th, the CDC announced the latest results on STDs among teenage women (ages 14 - 19). The news is not good. "One in four teenage girls has a common STD." An estimated 3.2 million female adolescents have at least one of the common STDs.
I guess we've lost the formula. One part purity isn't enough. Is the blessing of that ancient Biblical recipe lost?
Do your part. Pass it along to your sons and daughters. "Two parts purity."
God Save the U.S.A.
J. Brent Bullock
America Bless God
It calls for two parts purity. One part is not enough. To reap the blessing of the age old formula, you really need two parts purity. One part may leave you heart broken at best, sick or dying at worst.
Many young women try to maintain their purity, waiting for the right guy. But if "the right guy" is not pure, then maybe is wasn't the right guy after all. Purity plus impurity usually results in more impurity...
On March 11th, the CDC announced the latest results on STDs among teenage women (ages 14 - 19). The news is not good. "One in four teenage girls has a common STD." An estimated 3.2 million female adolescents have at least one of the common STDs.
I guess we've lost the formula. One part purity isn't enough. Is the blessing of that ancient Biblical recipe lost?
Do your part. Pass it along to your sons and daughters. "Two parts purity."
God Save the U.S.A.
J. Brent Bullock
America Bless God
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Not Afraid to Fall
Some are afraid, and some are embarrassed; Some are so good that it rarely, if ever, happens. Then there are those that almost take pride in it. I guess I “fall” in the last category. The more spectacular the fall, the more fun you’re having.
Skiing at Taos Ski Valley, New Mexico is excellent this year! There are over 110 inches of snow, and we had seven inches of fresh powder accompanied by brilliant blue skies on Tuesday (3/11/08). It was majestic! Michael and I hit the slopes early. We were among the first skiers on the lifts waiting expectantly in line as the lifts opened and the first riders found their way to all parts of the mountain. The deep powdery snow makes it more challenging to practice the basic ski techniques, and Michael has handled it like an old pro.
Falling at high speed is not a good thing. Falling while trying to stand still is most humiliating. Been there, done that! Many people are afraid to fall and therefore they never ski at all, or keep to the “safe“ parts of the mountain. Others are so prideful their “falls” are always some one else’s fault; It was the mountain, the skis, the boots, another skier, anything but our own responsibility.
So too with our standing and falling before God. Are you afraid to admit you have fallen in Gods sight? Certainly, we don’t desire to fall on purpose. It is our nature though. Just as falling while skiing is a common and natural occurrence, our falling in life is part of our nature. Though men deny it and make all manner of excuses, we’ve all done it and we’ll all do it again.
The question falls to our attitude. When we fall, will we humble ourselves and let God lift us up? Will we trust in Him, or in our own abilities? He is there to lift us up! He will exalt us, when we bow down before Him. He will call us righteous, as we place our faith and trust in Him, as we hide our fallen state in His Perfect Son, Christ Jesus.
Suggested reading: Psalm 145, Matthew 23:12 and James 4:10
Suggested listening: “Get Up” by Superchick, Regeneration album
Skiing at Taos Ski Valley, New Mexico is excellent this year! There are over 110 inches of snow, and we had seven inches of fresh powder accompanied by brilliant blue skies on Tuesday (3/11/08). It was majestic! Michael and I hit the slopes early. We were among the first skiers on the lifts waiting expectantly in line as the lifts opened and the first riders found their way to all parts of the mountain. The deep powdery snow makes it more challenging to practice the basic ski techniques, and Michael has handled it like an old pro.
Falling at high speed is not a good thing. Falling while trying to stand still is most humiliating. Been there, done that! Many people are afraid to fall and therefore they never ski at all, or keep to the “safe“ parts of the mountain. Others are so prideful their “falls” are always some one else’s fault; It was the mountain, the skis, the boots, another skier, anything but our own responsibility.
So too with our standing and falling before God. Are you afraid to admit you have fallen in Gods sight? Certainly, we don’t desire to fall on purpose. It is our nature though. Just as falling while skiing is a common and natural occurrence, our falling in life is part of our nature. Though men deny it and make all manner of excuses, we’ve all done it and we’ll all do it again.
The question falls to our attitude. When we fall, will we humble ourselves and let God lift us up? Will we trust in Him, or in our own abilities? He is there to lift us up! He will exalt us, when we bow down before Him. He will call us righteous, as we place our faith and trust in Him, as we hide our fallen state in His Perfect Son, Christ Jesus.
Suggested reading: Psalm 145, Matthew 23:12 and James 4:10
Suggested listening: “Get Up” by Superchick, Regeneration album
Sunday, March 9, 2008
The Never Ever Lesson
Never Ever. That's the name of the class. It was his first time ever. Never before in this life had he done it. The class name was fitting alright. Now, one day later, after four hours of instruction, the "never ever" has passed, and now he is snow skiing (and falling).
Michael and I are in Taos Ski Valley, New Mexico. It's beautiful. It's been snowing in the past 24 hours and there is a ton of snow (111 inches at midway to be exact). Our condo is right next to the ski lifts and the lessons, so we didn't fall down getting there.
I've tried to teach Michael many things. He just pulled a transmission out of 64 Chevy pick-up. He knows how to play baseball. He's studying the Christian Worldview and Latin right now (among many other things), but skiing? I think I'll leave that to the pros. My friends took me to the top of Sierra Blanca, New Mexico in 1979, taught me to snowplow and said, "see ya at 4". That was about 10 in the morning. I didn't want to teach Michael my mistakes, nor use the approach of my "friends".
So, too with teaching the commands of God. That's not something I want to leave to chance. It's something my children needed to be ready for. He's seventeen now and Bryana's 22. The Jews teach that children become accountable to God, at the ages of 12 or 13. Not that children will be ready to be accountable for their sins, but that God will hold them accountable for sin. It's called culpability. At that point in the life of a teen or pre-teen, I agree with the Jews, God will hold the child accountable. They will stand on their own before God to account for their own actions...
Will they be ready? Will you prepare them? Do you know the commands yourself? It's difficult to teach what you don't know, and this is not something you should leave for a "crash" course.
Don't leave your child with "never ever" lessons on the commands of God. The never ever ski lessons deal with all basics. They teach you to walk in your ski boots, before trying to ski with them. What are you doing to prepare the children in your life for accountability to God?
"Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called the least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven" - Matthew 5:19 NIV
America Bless God
J. Brent Bullock, Minister
Michael and I are in Taos Ski Valley, New Mexico. It's beautiful. It's been snowing in the past 24 hours and there is a ton of snow (111 inches at midway to be exact). Our condo is right next to the ski lifts and the lessons, so we didn't fall down getting there.
I've tried to teach Michael many things. He just pulled a transmission out of 64 Chevy pick-up. He knows how to play baseball. He's studying the Christian Worldview and Latin right now (among many other things), but skiing? I think I'll leave that to the pros. My friends took me to the top of Sierra Blanca, New Mexico in 1979, taught me to snowplow and said, "see ya at 4". That was about 10 in the morning. I didn't want to teach Michael my mistakes, nor use the approach of my "friends".
So, too with teaching the commands of God. That's not something I want to leave to chance. It's something my children needed to be ready for. He's seventeen now and Bryana's 22. The Jews teach that children become accountable to God, at the ages of 12 or 13. Not that children will be ready to be accountable for their sins, but that God will hold them accountable for sin. It's called culpability. At that point in the life of a teen or pre-teen, I agree with the Jews, God will hold the child accountable. They will stand on their own before God to account for their own actions...
Will they be ready? Will you prepare them? Do you know the commands yourself? It's difficult to teach what you don't know, and this is not something you should leave for a "crash" course.
Don't leave your child with "never ever" lessons on the commands of God. The never ever ski lessons deal with all basics. They teach you to walk in your ski boots, before trying to ski with them. What are you doing to prepare the children in your life for accountability to God?
"Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called the least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven" - Matthew 5:19 NIV
America Bless God
J. Brent Bullock, Minister
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Between Enemies
Interceptions are awesome! I love playing and watching football. I especially love watching the picks, and doing it myself is an absolute thrill. The face of the QB usually reflects a look of disgust. The enemy got between him and his receiver. Don't you feel bad for him? I guess that depends on the QB and the team protecting him.
Well, that's a bit of the devil in me. Satan loves to get between people, and for all the wrong reasons. He wants to get between you and your spouse; You and your parents; You and your in-laws. He loves messing up relationships. He loves getting between people that are supposed to be on the same side, so he can get them on different sides, which can both then be on his side (however that works)... He is the master deceiver and confuser, the father of lies, the great accuser, and he wants to get between you and the ones you love, especially The One that loves you more than father or mother, The One that loves you eternally, The Lord God Your Savior.
So, I have two questions for you. One, are you going to let him do that to you? And two, are you going to get between Satan and the ones you love? Are you going to pray on their behalf? It's called intercession. Are you going to intercede for the people you know and love?
Moses interceded for the Israelites when poisonous snakes where upon them, and on many other occasions. The Aronic priests interceded for Israelites as they brought sacrifices to God. The Spirit of God intercedes for us, when we don't even know what to pray. And above all, Jesus is our complete intercession. He is The One that goes before God on our behalf, and he has gone between us and Satan to separate us from the sin that so easily entangles.
So what are you going to do? ... Go before the Lord on behalf of a friend or loved one. Pray to get Satan out of the lives of those you care about. Go between them and Satan. Go before God and ask for his help.
God Save the U.S.A.
J. Brent Bullock
America Bless God Campaign of Texas
Well, that's a bit of the devil in me. Satan loves to get between people, and for all the wrong reasons. He wants to get between you and your spouse; You and your parents; You and your in-laws. He loves messing up relationships. He loves getting between people that are supposed to be on the same side, so he can get them on different sides, which can both then be on his side (however that works)... He is the master deceiver and confuser, the father of lies, the great accuser, and he wants to get between you and the ones you love, especially The One that loves you more than father or mother, The One that loves you eternally, The Lord God Your Savior.
So, I have two questions for you. One, are you going to let him do that to you? And two, are you going to get between Satan and the ones you love? Are you going to pray on their behalf? It's called intercession. Are you going to intercede for the people you know and love?
Moses interceded for the Israelites when poisonous snakes where upon them, and on many other occasions. The Aronic priests interceded for Israelites as they brought sacrifices to God. The Spirit of God intercedes for us, when we don't even know what to pray. And above all, Jesus is our complete intercession. He is The One that goes before God on our behalf, and he has gone between us and Satan to separate us from the sin that so easily entangles.
So what are you going to do? ... Go before the Lord on behalf of a friend or loved one. Pray to get Satan out of the lives of those you care about. Go between them and Satan. Go before God and ask for his help.
God Save the U.S.A.
J. Brent Bullock
America Bless God Campaign of Texas
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