The choices are vast. There are the major world religions of Islam, Judaism, Buddhism and Christianity. Within each there are all manner of variations and perversions thereof. There are the "true" ardents of each sect, as well as the "cults". While these are all fascinating, none of them take the cake in my book. There is yet another religion to consider.
Matthew records relevant words of Jesus,
“Watch and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees.” - Matt 16:6 (ESV). "... teaching as doctrines the commandments of men." Matt 15:9 (ESV)The religious leaders of Jesus' day had perverted the commands of God. They traded the commands of God for the traditions of men. They had lost that which they were entrusted with ... the very words of God. The Pharisees and Saducees were substituting the revealed with the rational. They valued the thoughts of man over the Wisdom of God, but did not even realize it. Today, such a system has become a formal religion.
The most dangerous religion in the world today is Secular Humanism. It is a religion as stated in Humanist Manifesto I. Humanism stands in stark contrast to Biblical teaching; it is one-hundred-eighty degrees out of phase with God's Word on almost every point. It aligns with the progressive political movement, and in fact, is the unrealized enemy of conservatives.
Secular Humanism has permeated the U.S. public school system and much of our culture, and most Christians do not recognize it. It is the most dangerous religion. It is destroying our culture, our political system, and our children.
Know the Blessing of the Rarest of Jewels - Godly Wisdom